venerable Henri van Bentum
Who sailed the waves of his incarnation so skillfully,
With the blessings of White Tara through space and time.
Having drunk the amrita of samsara and nirvana equally,
Drawn the primary brushes of eternity
Of red, yellow and blue, painting Truth of the organic universe,
Unfettered by the limits of word.
So generously, you imparted your Leo heart stories,
And 'Apologue stories' for all ages throughout the lands and seas.
Sharing, always sharing freely,
Delivered unhindered from the Great River,
Ever having danced with the Light.
May His Noble Heart continue to emanate
Unceasing waves of pure Wisdom and Compassion.
Having laid down his precious body
May the Protectors and Guardian Dakinis
Guard this Non-Sectarian Master,
On the Path that conquers all arising mind states
And leads to Total Liberation and Victory.
E Ma Ho!

Mandala #3 from set of #100, "Organiverse"
Pointillism, original size 8.5 cm. by Henri van Bentum, 1972
(*) Motto on the City of Amsterdam's coat of arms, Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig, qualities which Henri embodied.
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