Anyone who is aware knows that
it is we – the Human Family species of mammals – who have harmed or put to
extinction many other species. We
are the ones who encroach upon their realms, making it more and more difficult
for them to survive in their natural habitat.
For that matter, even some members of the Human Family are under threat. Aboriginals, First Nations, Inuit, the
Bushmen or San people, the list goes on.
Indigenous cultures everywhere are often treated in the same manner
worldwide. Then there are those wars . . .
But I am wandering away
from the motivation for writing this blog post.
Here on Vancouver Island in the municipal area of Victoria, a woman who
was walking to work early in the morning along the “Galloping Goose trail” spotted
a cougar 10 metres away. It was said
that it charged at her. (But subsequent comments have suggested it was as
startled as she was.)

As she ran to a nearby
house, the cougar stopped and stared as she pulled out her mobile phone to call
for help. Actually there were two cougars. After the alarm went out to the ‘civilized’
world, one cougar was hunted down and killed while the other got away. Headlines
everywhere, “Where Is the Other Cougar?” (So it can also be killed.) It won’t
be long before our clever species, with our state-of-the-art killing machines,
finds and exterminates it too, to the relief of those Homo sapiens who,
fear-ridden, threaten the existence of these big cats.
Those cougars, those
grizzlies, those polar bears, those rhinos, those sharks. The list goes on.
As for the two cougars here who “trespassed”
on our territory – “How dare they!” No one seems to focus on the cause of these
encounters with wildlife - - - that their habitat has been ‘clear cut’ or
destroyed for greedy profit-seeking, or by stupid behaviour such as cutting
shark fins for soup or so-called medicinal purposes, or taking fragile bird
nests for another ‘gourmet’ delicacy. Or
the horn of a rhino, for aphrodisiacs.
Aren’t we a super-lovable species?
How bright and wise are
we? Well, some leaders of nations muzzle
now their scientists . . . those who warn about what’s going on out there, and
what will be the consequences. And yet,
these so-called leaders have children and future grandchildren. Are they not allowed to be born on a healthy
planet, with clean air, water and a healthy habitat for all creatures? Makes
you wonder - what their motivation is, to withhold scientific facts.
This reminds me of an
event from the summer of 1959 in Banff National Park. At that time there were “Indian Days”, where Chiefs
of various nations (Blackfoot, Dakota, Sioux and others) set up teepees and allowed
visitors to ask them questions.
Henri van Bentum, Banff 1982 - Indian Days Revisited at the Blackfoot Teepee
The Chiefs were eloquent
speakers. In comparison the “white man” would sit there with a mouth full of
teeth and just stare at the Chiefs - - - so dignified and dressed in full
One of the Chiefs said, “You know
the White Man is a complicated, forked-tongue species, with no care or vision
about our home, Mother Earth. For
example, if I say, “There are only a dozen ocelots left, they would say, ‘Let’s
shoot them, before they’re all gone.’”
never forgotten this statement of insight and wisdom. Of course that's not the only creature we'd shoot if there 'were only a few left'. Extinction #6 is fast becoming a reality. This time it will be caused by "Humans".
Human greed and me-ism
leaves wildlife nowhere to live. That’s
the cause. The effect: extinction of wilderness and wildlife on a
global scale. Add to this global climate
change and pollution - - what will be the effect on the Human Family? Are we
ignorant, indifferent, asleep, stupid or?
Definitely not wise.
This then will be my last
blog post. Six years ago we began (July
1, 2008), so that’s enough. It was a
pleasure visiting with you all out there, wherever you may be. And thank you for having visited my blog.
Cheers, Ciao, Vaarwel, Adieu, Adios.
Henri van Bentum