
Oldest Known ORCA in the World Visits Nearby

 "Granny" (J2) from J Pod, photo Traci Walter
 For those of you who are not living near the Ocean and for our far away readers, this may be of interest.  We live a stone’s throw from the Pacific shores here at Juan de Fuca Strait in Victoria, Canada.   In this region are not only Humpbacks but also southern resident Orcas.  Erroneously called Killer Whales, Orcas are the warriors of the Dolphin species.  Once in a while we see a Pod on our walks, but only seldom since they prefer to be in the Salish Sea near the Gulf Islands.There is an Orca “star”, a centenary-plus great-grandmother who is believed to be 103 years old.  (Average lifespan is 60-80 years.) 
 “Granny” is on the left.  Photo Simon Pidcock.
This matriarch, named Granny, was spotted on the weekend near Saturna Island.  She was with her Pod, called “J Pod” and her “official name” is J2. Researchers say she is in excellent health. The amazing thing is, 103-year old Granny was spotted in California on May 2, which means she has travelled 1,290 kilometres in one week!  Chapeau. Brava! Granny!

Henri van Bentum

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