
From Quartet to Quintet

written by Henri van Bentum, illustrations by PJ Heyliger

written by Henri van Bentum, illustrations by PJ Heyliger

Although it’s usual for me to spend a lot of time at home, during the recent and ongoing Covid-19 lockdown, while we were unable to play our regular Snooker games 4x/week, this situation added extra “staying-put” time.
The invisible killer C. virus has the whole human family globally in its grip. So, what to do? Something memorable perhaps, using the creative little grey cells.

Eureka! Why not write another children’s book, following up the four others? That would make it our fifth, a quintet.

A few email chats with our friend in Arizona, PJ Heyliger, who illustrated the previous four books, settled it.

And so, with the green light, I wrote another story, which PJ will once again illustrate. Already several sketches have seen the light. 

The story is about a Cheshire cat. That’s all we’re telling you, for now. When the book is completed, we’ll be sure to tell you more.

At least the self-isolation during the C.v pandemic will result in something good, as it has given me (and many others) an opportunity to use their creativity.

written by Henri van Bentum, illustrations by PJ Heyliger

written by Henri van Bentum, illustrations by PJ Heyliger

Stay tuned for our fifth book, coming in 2020

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